This is an optional Traxxas Maxx Slash ProGraphix Body.
Give your Maxx Slash an all new custom look! From mild to wild, choose your own colors to personalize your body. The detailed graphics are fully painted, but the rest of the body is clear, so you can choose your own main body color. Simply grab a can of Traxxas ProGraphix® paint and spray the final color. It's easy for anyone to get instant, professional results. Traxxas ProGraphix bodies come completely trimmed with pre-drilled body holes for easy installation. Includes decals, clipless hardware, and body supports.There's also a protective overspray film applied to the body.
Body, Maxx Slash®, ProGraphix® (graphics are printed, requires paint & final color application)/ decal sheet (includes body support, body plastics, latches, & hardware for clipless mounting)