Formulated with extensive testing from our Factory Drivers and made for modern high-grip indoor racetracks, we are excited to introduce 1up Racing Pink Ball Diff Grease! Our super tacky Ball Diff Grease gives you the on-power steering and high-speed stability needed to push your buggy with confidence and shave away at your lap times. Like all of our greases, 1up Pink is proudly Made in the USA and backed with the 1up Racing Guarantee - Love it or we'll return it. Pick one up today!
Best results when paired with 1up Racing Gold Anti-Wear Grease for the Thrust Bearing.
Follow these instructions to build a buttery-smooth diff that lasts!
Step 1) Clean the outdrives, diff rings, diff balls, thrust rings, thrust balls and diff screw with parts cleaner to ensure they are free of any machining oils or burrs.
Step 2) Apply 1up Pink to the outdrives and install the diff rings.
Step 3) Apply a heavy amount of 1up Pink to the diff rings and outdrive surface area as shown.
Step 4) Pack 1up Pink into the diff gear and install the diff balls.
Step 5) Build the thrust assembly with 1up Gold as shown.
Finish the diff assembly per your instruction manual and set to a very light tension that just allows the diff movement to engage. Wipe away and save any excess 1up Pink that squeezes out.
Break-in is crucial, allow 30-40 minutes to complete these steps. With the car on a stand and no tires installed, insert the tip of a wrench into either outdrive slot and push through to lock the diff movement on that side. Turn on the car and set your throttle center point so the transmission begins rotating slowly. The opposite outdrive should be spinning. After 2-3 minutes turn down the throttle trim so the outdrive stops spinning, switch the wrench to the other side and repeat.
After both sides have spun at a very light tension for 2-3 minutes each, stop the transmission, tighten the diff screw 1/4 turn and repeat. Gradually tighten the screw after each tension has been broken in until you reach the desired setting. Charge up the battery and run the car on track for 3-4 minutes. Adjust the diff if needed and you'll be good to go!